Abdelrahman Abdelmageed
Sixteen year old Abdelrahman Abdelmageed says coincidences and luck sometimes overtake your plans.
Out of curiosity and just for fun, Abdelrahman registered in the One Million Arab Coders initiative when he heard two young men talking about it with enthusiasm on a public bus. They called it “the luck initiative”.
His curiosity soon turned into astonishment and determination, after he discovered how crucial technology was going to be in realizing his dreams.
Abdelrahman chose the Application Development course and with every lesson, he tested his love for science and learning. He found that coding is his real passion and just the incentive he needed for his future.
After obtaining a completion certificate, Abdelrahman took the nano-degree exam for which he felt very prepared. He reviewed all the videos, returned all practical works, and stayed home waiting by his phone for the results.
“This exam was different from every exam I’ve ever taken so far. When I got the result, I wanted to search for those two youths who spoke about the initiative on that bus to thank them and tell them of my success!”.
Abdelrahman has gained many experiences. He became qualified to enter the labour market as a professional coder with all the tools he needed in order to complete any task assigned to him. And because excelling and upskilling is an investment that never disappoints, today he finds himself working remotely for two giant companies. In his leisure, he develops a website with the goal of bringing together people who need help with those who can give it. Abdelrahman says the initiative has helped him mature and grow more than anything – resembling a new birth.