The World’s Largest Gathering of Futurists
27 & 28 November

Joshua Polchar
Joshua Polchar is a strategic foresight practitioner with over ten years’ experience in public policy. His current work at the OECD Public Governance Directorate seeks to develop enhanced strategic foresight approaches for anticipating and managing emerging critical risk. Joshua previously worked at the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) and in the Office of the Secretary General. He worked with over a dozen national governments and international organisations to develop new knowledge, design interventions, and create processes to build anticipatory capacity. An educator, Joshua is an alumnus and former trainer in the Oxford Scenarios Programme, course instructor on ‘Disrupted Futures’ at EM Lyon Business School, and has delivered guest lectures at several institutions including the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Joshua’s publications include ‘Futures of Public Administration’, ‘Trends Shaping Education’, and ‘Unboxing the Future’, as well as blogs on making strategic foresight actionable and accessible. Joshua is an avid language-learner, proficient in three languages and able to get by in five more.