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28 results found.

School for Wisdom

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered



Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Artificial Intelligence Future Of Purpose & Work Generational & Cognitive Diversity +3 More Human–human Transforming Education

Safeguarding Civilisation

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Cross-sectoral Partnerships Culture & Heritage Government Agility +3 More Restoration Urban Design

The 'Network' Divide

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend Increasingly unmediated transactions in finance, health, education, trade, services, and even space are leading to the blurring of jurisdictional boundaries, changing liabilities, and increased numbers of cross-border communities. Advances in communications, computing, and advanced machine intelligence will accelerate a borderless world that will change the way we work, live, and connect.

Borderless World Fluid Economies

Cross-sectoral Partnerships Digital Communities Future Of Purpose & Work +3 More Human–human Mobilising Innovation

Stepping through time

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered



Megatrend Digital natives – those who have grown up with digital forms of entertainment, education, and even communications – will naturally usher in increasingly virtual worlds where many ‘real-world’ tasks and behaviours can be replicated and even improved in 3D and 4D environments. The emergence and spread of 5G and 6G networks will enhance autonomous and IoT applications as they offer more reliable, cost-effective and secure high-speed connectivity. As quantum technologies become scalable and reliable, from quantum computing, communications and sensors, immersive experiences will start to feel like reality.

Digital Realities

Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) Culture & Heritage Extended Reality +3 More Future Of Education Immersive Technologies & Wearables

Circle Up

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Community Engagement & Volunteerism Community-based Solutions Human–human +3 More Longevity & Vitality Mental Health

Public' AI

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend An evolution of the Megatrend ‘Devaluation of Raw Data’ in 2022 and 2023, the rise of quantum computing, blockchains, the IoT, edge computing, automation, and digital realities, are all contributing to a data environment that is both constant and multi-dimensional. There is unprecedented volume and speed when it comes to the data available today. Enhanced by 5G, 6G, and advanced connectivity through multiple networks, and with an expected increase in the number of multilateral agreements focused on information interoperability, raw data will continue to increase in both quantity and variety. Under the right conditions, widespread access to immediate insights and real-time analysis will become commonplace.

Boundless Multidimensional Data

Advanced Connectivity Artificial Intelligence Human–machine +3 More International Collaboration Mobilising Innovation

Unconventional Progress

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered



Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

ESG & Beyond GDP Future Of Purpose & Work Government Agility +3 More International Collaboration Mobilising Innovation

DAOs for Social Good

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend Increasingly unmediated transactions in finance, health, education, trade, services, and even space are leading to the blurring of jurisdictional boundaries, changing liabilities, and increased numbers of cross-border communities. Advances in communications, computing, and advanced machine intelligence will accelerate a borderless world that will change the way we work, live, and connect.

Borderless World Fluid Economies

Advanced Connectivity Community-based Solutions Digital Communities +2 More Distributed Ledger Technologies (dlt)

Whole-planet Voting

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Advanced Connectivity Artificial Intelligence Community-based Solutions +2 More Digital Communities

Service as a Standard

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered


Within Reach

Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Community Enagagement & Volunteerism Future Of Purpose & Work Longevity & Wellbeing +1 More

A Policy's True Measure

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered



Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Community-based Solutions

Calling out the Herd Mentality

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Category Empower societies by offering solutions to humanities’ most complex and universal needs, optimising systems they rely on, safeguarding risks that could make societies more fragile in the face of crises, and extend individual and collective potential for growth and development.

Societies Empowered



Megatrend Human potential is unlimited. With advanced machine intelligence, brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), technological developments in science and medicine, and an increasingly borderless world, people’s understanding and expectations of self-realisation, including work, education, and what it means to thrive, will shift. Personal development, how individuals and communities innovate and communicate, and new definitions of self-esteem, autonomy, and stability will bring forth new ideas about parenting, care, love, belonging, inclusion, and community.

Future Humanity

Artificial Intelligence Human–machine