The previous two editions provided us with significant insights on these four topics:
Feeding the Planet
The growing global population and pressure on planetary resources threaten global food security. Reducing emissions and ensuring food safety and security are crucial, meaning tomorrow’s food may look vastly different from today’s.
The Unexpected Uses of AI
The discussion around AI has often revolved around its economic impact. We are just beginning to uncover the immense possibilities of AI—what we see now is just the tip of the iceberg.
Biohacking Your Health
Healthy genes are essential to the body’s overall well-being. However, a person’s experiences and environment can change how our bodies read, or express, our DNA, with significant consequences for our health. By optimizing environmental factors, a person can hack their genes and improve their health; this is called epigenetics.
Harnessing the Sun
The Sun is a 1.4 million km ball of fusion that releases the energy equivalent of 4 million tonnes of matter every second. However, only a tiny fraction of the Sun’s energy can be harnessed on land compared to what could
be collected from space.